TOBY Keith fans will want to check out the website for his new Show Dog Records label at . You'll find all of the latest TOBY news, including upcoming events.
Daniels raises horses on his Twin Pines Ranch in Tennessee.

KENNY CHESNEY is featured in the Black Book Guide to Official Country Music Fan Clubs: The Top 100.
TRACY LAWRENCE fans will want to check out CountryInterviewsOnline for an interview about his new album For the Love, recorded on his own label, Rock Comfort Records.
When asked about influences for the new album, which mixes traditional country, honky-tonk and rock, Tracy said: "What I really drew from was that I really wanted to go back to my early motivation with music, from when I first came to Nashville. I wanted to cut a more traditional album, but I didn’t want it to be dated. So I really looked for a lot more positive lyrics, more up-tempo stuff. I just wanted to get away from chasing the pop direction like everyone’s done so much of in the last several years. I guess I just wanted to go back to the basics and cut an album that was true to me."
LITTLE TEXAS Missing Years
LITTLE TEXAS has a new album, aptly named Missing Years, coming out on June 12.